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Read the story as it happened. Starting with the first e-mail I sent to my family and friends, I've compiled my updates I wrote as the story unfolded. Take a few minutes to experience More Great as those who love me did. 

Filtering by Category: Updates 0

Update 0: September 21

Melody Raines

Well, friends, I moved to Austin two months ago, and life has been more
adventurous than ever. Most of you know that my little sister died on August
11, three weeks after I got here. Once again I have bad news. I found out
today that I have breast cancer. I don't really know any details at this
point. I'm going to see a surgeon tomorrow who should be able to tell me
Here's what I do know right now. God isn't finished using me. Cancer or no
cancer, I can't go Home yet. While I wait for Him to finish the work He's
begun in me, He covers me with grace and peace beyond understanding.
Thanks for praying.
"But as for me, I will always have hope" (Psalm 71:14).